
How can the modularity of the S600D be a source of reactivity?

When we think of additive manufacturing, we tend to automatically think in terms of a single material. Lynxter is breaking through this barrier and offers a versatile, multi-material, professional 3D printer.


If reactivity is key, why be limited to just one family of materials?

Most 3D printers can only print with one type of material – either thermoplastic, metal or ceramic. At Lynxter, we have broken boundaries with the development of the S600D, the first powerful and versatile 3D printer, capable of printing in a wide range of materials that require different printing processes: thermoplastic filaments, liquids (silicones) & pastes (ceramics).

The purpose of this machine: to meet urgent manufacturing needs as well as development and innovation requirements in the industrial sector and research.The system is agile and easy-to-use. A choice of 5 different toolheads allow the user to switch between the 3 printing processes on the same machine.

1 machine, 3 processes, 5 toolheads

The FIL11 and FIL33 toolheads are used for the thermoplastic filament printing process: PEKK, PACF, PP, PC, PLA or TPU can all be printed on the S600D.

The LIQ11 and LIQ21 toolheads are used for the liquid printing process. Cartridges of single and two-component silicone, resin and polyurethane can be used on the machine.

Additionally, the PAS11 toolhead is used to print pastes. Cartridges of advanced ceramic pastes (alumina, cordierite) or traditional ceramic pastes (clay, stoneware, porcelain etc.) can be used for ceramic printing projects.

The ability of the S600D to be fitted with the toolhead of your choice widens the range of materials that can be used.  This single machine can in fact handle just about any material properties. The S600D can therefore print using a broad spectrum of materials of varying complexity and ease-of-use depending on your needs and your understanding of additive manufacturing.


Optimized and varied manufacturing strategies

Switching from one process to another is further simplified thanks to automatic Z nozzle height calibration and bed leveling.

Different manufacturing strategies are also possible using the same toolhead by altering the nozzle diameter, layer height and the infill percentage. In this manner, the build time or the definition of parts can be changed.

Finally, the modular and versatile S600D allows accessories to be added to the toolheads to further widen the field of applications. You can use Lynxter’s accessories or choose to innovate and create your own, tailored to your specific needs.